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The ACEMFS programme is indeed excellent. The leadership/mentorship of the centre leader and his team is appreciated. Simply put, Prof. H.A Makun is an excellent resource person whose commitment to ACEMFS programme is second to none ..
But I have my reservations in the following:

*Making a single lecturer appearing in five courses as a lead instructor, with almost all the examination questions of the courses being contributed by the lecturer … This might not bring about a balanced assessment of the students especially if the lecturer is tough in his/her approach to question setting. At least three lecturers should be engaged in teaching core courses…

*Making three (3) questions compulsory in an examination may box students to “a tight corner” and affect overall performances… Compulsory questions in examination should be made one or two…

*The idea of a particular lecturer calling for lecture of a course whose examination has already been written is completely strange. ..All what needs to be taught should be taught before examination…

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