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Prof. R. J. Kolo



Prof. R. J. Kolo is currently the Dean of School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, (SAAT), Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria, since April 2015. He is a member of the academic staff of Department of Water Resources, Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology of the same institution. He has been Head of Department for 3 consecutive terms of 2 years each. Industrial Liason Officer (ILO) for Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (S.I.W.E.S) for the University, Freshwater Coordinator and Deputy Director, Centre for Climate Change and Freshwater Resources (CCCFR) were other positions of responsibility he has occupied previously. By his academic qualification he is a member of the University senate. He has supervised and graduated several PhD and MTech students and still supervising and co-supervising quite a number of postgraduate and several undergraduate students, all in the area of Hydrobiology, Fisheries, Aquatic toxicology and Public health.

His current research focuses on water quality as its affects fish and public health, Use of algae in production of biofuel and pharmaceutical products. Use of biofloc in fish culture and its effect on water quality. He teaches limnological, ecological toxicological courses and coordinate water quality and toxicological practicals. Prof. R. J. Kolo is a consultant to Federal Ministry of Environment on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of proposed projects. He anchors the aspect of ecological impacts of proposed projects. He has been external examiner for postgraduate students in a number of universities and also Assessor of many academic staff members seeking promotion to professorial chair.

He has participated and still participating in national and university coordinated research projects such as National Agricultural Research Project (NARP), United Nations Development Projects (UNDP). He is a member of Nigeria National Committee on UNESCO International Hydrological Projects (NNC-UNESCO-IHP) and also member of Board of Trustee Crawford University, Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria. Prof. R. J. Kolo has published over 50 Journal articles in referred journals, 5 book chapters and attended several International and National conferences and workshops.