+234(0) 703 586 2582
Physical Science

Physics Department

Physics Department

The Department of Physics offers courses leading to the award of B.Tech in Physics/Electronics, Physics/Telecommunication, Physics/Materials Science and Physics/Computer Scienceoptions. The design of the programme is such that students take all the requisite Physics courses for a 4 year Pure Physics option of conventional Universities and the added advantage of courses in applied option and Industrial options. This puts them at an advantage over the Conventional Pure Physics of most conventional Universities in the Country in terms of versatility and job access.

The programme which takes five (5) years to complete is designed to expose students to acquire adequate knowledge of at least one (1) applied option/industrial option, to equipping them with the ability to be self reliant, be able to administer industry training school programme and to be employed as technicians in any related industry. The students should also be able to demonstrate resourcefulness in their approach to the use of technological skills using locally available materials.

In addition to undergraduate programmes, the department also runs M.Tech and PhD courses in various options (Geophysics, Solid state Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Medical Physics and Nuclear Physics).


The philosophy of the department is in line with that of the University, which is principally to develop and offer academic and professional programmes leading to the award of certificates, diplomas, as well as Bachelor of Technology, Master of Technology and Doctor of philosophy degrees tailored towards adaptive, technical maintenance and development of other relevant skills in Applied Physics. The objective is to produce production-oriented graduates who are able to create jobs and become employers of labour instead of job seekers.



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To be the best department in academic excellence and moral rectitude among students and staff both within the university community and internationally and to be able to provide solutions to developmental problems through research and development in the field of Physics.


  • To produce highly competent graduates in terms of skills and knowledge
  • To produce graduates who can develop existing scientific ideas and formulate new ideas.
  • To implement these ideas with appropriate  designs and constructions
  • To turn out production oriented students who can be self employed
  • To raise the creative capabilities of our students so as to be able to explore and effectively transform the national resources of our environments into goods and services.