About the School of
Electrical Engineering and Technology (SEET)

It is worthy of note that FUT Minna is always futuristic in her drives for solutions to societal challenges. It is therefore not surprising that she is the first University in Nigeria to establish the School of Electrical Engineering and Technology (SEET), thereby creating two Schools of Engineering in the university. This became necessary in the pursuit of our mandate in Science and Technology and in meeting with our university’s Vision and Mission.

New societal challenges require new and deeper technological solutions. For more focused solutions to current societal challenges, FUT Minna, thought it wise to expand its engineering programs and to group them into two categories. We grouped all the Electrical related engineering programs were classed under the School of Electrical Engineering and Technology (SEET) and the other programs in Engineering are grouped under the School of Infrastructure, Process Engineering and Technology (SIPET). This enhances effective resource management and deeper dive into specific technology solutions and production of expert graduates.


To be a solution hub in training and R & D in all aspects of Electrical Engineering.


To foster excellence in teaching, learning and R&D in order to produce engineering graduates with critical thinking who can provide pragmatic solutions to Electrically-related problems, thereby creating jobs and fostering entrepreneurship both locally and globally.

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In School of Electrical Engineering and Technology

We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.

Community Services

As part of the Community Service, set of 2018 project designed a Mobile Lecture-stand that incorporates a solar powered Public Address System with solar power outlet for connecting overhead projector, this structure was nicknamed “Mr Pass”. It is intended to help timely delivery of lectures irrespective of availability of electricity from the national grid. The set of 2019 designed and installed wired and wireless internet for the Dean’s Office.  The effort saved the University a substantial amount of money.

The Launch of Mr Pass by the Acting Dean of the of SEET

Groups in the School, from time – time, organize capacity building workshops for students and staff. Below are some pictures taken at such events

Pictures taken at NCC during the project submission

Conference: The School organizes annual Engineering conferences with the School of Infrastructure, Process Engineering and Technology (SIPET). Also, some vibrant groups in the School organize webinars with partners outside the University. Below are some pictures of the various events


